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My Story



I am a mother of three, step mum to two, and a papaya addict passionate about living a wholefood low toxic lifestyle for health and wellness. My hands prove it, they are visibly orange from my papaya fetish!


I developed coeliac disease and a lactose intolerance after contracting intestinal parasites from an overseas trip in my early 30’s. This forced my diet to change radically after many months of testing, doctor and specialist appointments and by this stage I had multiple generations of parasites in my gut!). My father passed away at 62 years of age from brain, liver and bowel cancer. With the tragic death of my Dad and my own health issues, I questioned my lifestyle and food choices at the time.

I’ve been a Registered Nurse for 25 years. I am currently working in a medical/surgical/palliative care ward and have had over 10 years’ experience in a Doctors surgery working with chronic diseases, particularly Diabetes.  Sadly seeing death and disease daily has fuelled my passion for increased health and wellness.


These events in my life have played a large role in my personal questioning on various ‘mainstream’ ideas when it came to health and wellness. After a friend introduced me to the wholefood eating way, I embraced it and did not know how unwell I felt until I made little changes and felt better.  Weight loss was an added bonus too! It all just made sense to me. I feel well and better than I ever have before.


I would love to share my passion for health and wellness with you! This could be the first step to be a better version of yourself. Don’t miss the chance to BeBetter. 



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